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I can’t believe how quickly the past four years of my life have gone by. My time at UF has been filled with incredible, life-changing experiences that I never even anticipated before I started college. Each year, I have challenged myself with new and exciting opportunities that have made me comfortable with getting out of my comfort zone. Now, I cannot wait to explore what’s ahead of me and continue my journey of exploring and embracing the diversities of the world.


With the global mindset that I have had the chance to develop throughout college, I have learned so much both from myself and the world. I’ve learned to trust myself and my instincts in any and all situations. I’ve learned to push myself to the other side, even when I cannot see what’s there. I’ve learned to truly appreciate my family, friends, and everything else I have been blessed to have in my life. As scary as it can be sometimes, I love seeing how far I can push my boundaries. Having new experiences is how we grow and push ourselves to be better. I like to have this mindset with many areas of my life, both professionally and personally. I will embrace this mindset with the pursuit of my career, and I will embrace it when I embark on new adventures as well.  


Studying abroad in Madrid allowed me to learn how to adapt to living in a new place, where I was able to become a Madrileña and meet so many new people. ​ Moreover, my knowledge of Spanish language allowed me to practice and use it more than I had ever before, allowing me to become fluent in a language that I have always loved. I am so happy that Madrid was the place that I chose to have as my home during my 5 months living in and exploring Europe.


Another significant semester during my time at UF was spend working in New York City. While interning with The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, I was able to grow my global mindset as well by working with an international TV show. I would help with segments on the show that were specially made for international countries, and getting to see the impact of the show worldwide was amazing. This further enforced my desire to bring diversity to the entertainment industry, because with so many different cultures in the world, they all deserve to be represented. Furthermore, interning with Warner Music Group enforced my passion for music and its global impact, and I hope to have a career that has international influence as well.


I am so appreciative for the chances that I have had during my time at the University of Florida, and even more grateful for the encounters that I have had to face along with them. I have been able to grow personally, mentally, and professionally during my time at UF, but most importantly, I have been able to realize my true passions in life and develop the dedication to pursue them. I am both scared and excited for what the future holds and cannot wait to see how my UF experiences will help shape my career path and the mark I leave on the world.

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